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De 10h à 17h
Conférence en ligne, via Zoom
Ajouter au Calendrier 01/22/2021 10:00 01/22/2021 17:00 Europe/Paris « Look, Ultimately I Win, Right? » Trump and Beyond Law & Humanities (CERSA), Institut universitaire de France (IUF), NYU Paris Conférence en ligne, via Zoom false MM/DD/YYYY
Law & Humanities (CERSA), Institut universitaire de France (IUF), NYU Paris

Le centre de recherche Law & Humanities rattaché au CERSA, en collaboration avec NYU Paris et l'Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), organise une conférence en ligne, le vendredi 22 janvier 2021, intitulée « Look, Ultimately I Win, Right? » Trump and Beyond.


Modetaror : Jennifer MERCHANT

10h00 : Trump and the Middle East: Business as usual?, Rachid CHAKER
10h25 : Trump and Europe: Strong Words and Little Action, Martin QUENCEZ

Questions and coffee break

11h15 : Trump and Minorities: A Hopeless Move?, Simon GRIVET
11h40 : Black and Blue: The Virginiasation of Georgia, Lauric HENNETON

Questions and lunch break

14h00 : The Trap of Impunity, Anne DEYSINE
14h25 : The Ceremony of Innocence is Drowned: Trump, the Courts, and the National Security State, Phil HOSTAK

Questions and coffee break

15h20 : "In Search of Monsters to Destroy?": Deconstructing Donald Trump's Disruptive Rhetoric of the Enemy Within, Jérôme VIALA-GAUDEFROY
15h40 : "Most Pro-Life Preisdent. Ever": Access to Aborption andd Social, Racial, Political and Geographical Challenges under Trump, Yvonne-Marie ROGEZ
16h00 : The State of the Church: Religion and Politics in the Post Trump-Era, Michael STAMBOLIS-RUHSTORFER


17h00 : End of conference

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Conférence en ligne, via Zoom