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Accueil - Courses - Programs taught in English - LL.M. A.W.Ar.D.S (Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement)

LL.M. A.W.Ar.D.S (Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement)

LL.M. A.W.Ar.D.S (Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement)

LL.M. A.W.Ar.D.S (Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement)


Direction: M. Malik LAAZOUZI

LLM - Droit

Diplôme Délivré:
University Degree: Postgraduate
Durée des études:
312 study hours / 312 heures
Modalités d'enseignement:
Formation continue


The LL.M. AWArDS combines the excellence of academics and practitioners in the field of international and investment arbitration (lawyers, counsels, arbitrators, quantum experts, managers of third-party funders, artificial intelligence researchers, etc.).

Courses are delivered in the heart of Paris (at the Institut de droit comparé and at prominent law firms).

The program covers both international arbitration and investment arbitration. It combines the French perspective with a comparative approach. It also deepens other core aspects of dispute resolution mechanisms: mediation, negotiation, settlement agreements, international business litigation, etc.


Core objectives:

  • To master the fundamental elements of both international arbitration and investment arbitration.
  • To comprehend the relationship between arbitral proceedings and state courts.
  • To broaden the understanding of international arbitration from a comparative perspective.
  • To acquire the indispensable knowledge from international arbitration and litigation practitioners (drafting clauses, briefs, pleadings, evidence, examinations and cross-examinations, establishing the quantum of damages, etc.)
  • To understand the functioning and distinctive features of the main arbitration centres and their rules.

The LL.M. program is offered in Paris, one of the most prominent international arbitration venues, internationally recognized as such.

The curriculum achieves the proper balance between an academic approach and a more empirical and practical approach to confront students, as prospective arbitration practitioners, with the complex realities of this multifaceted field of practice.


Niveau d'entrée:
Bac +4

Profil recommandé

Expected number of students

The training targets to enroll between 20 and 30 students. The objective of this training is to welcome non-French-speaking foreign students to Paris-Panthéon-Assas University as part of a specialized training.

LLM AWArDS' candidates come from China, Brazil, Georgia, Germany, Greece, the Philippines, Turkey, as well as from three US partner law schools (Duke Univ., Georges Washington Univ., University of Virginia).

Access conditions

The selected students will be:

  • holders of an English-language training provided by a foreign university at a level equivalent to Master 2 (fifth year). For example, without exhaustiveness, in business law, contract law or civil business law, private international law or international trade law) and wishing to further develop their grasp of the law of international arbitration;
  • United States’ students who are enrolled in or have completed 2nd or 3rd year of legal training (JD);
  • practitioners (lawyers, in house counsels, etc.), with at least two years' experience, wishing to acquire new skills outside their current field of activity or wishing to further their training in their current field of business.

The selection will be made on the basis of an application file, if necessary, after an interview (including by videoconference).

The level of English of applicants, whose mother tongue is not English, will be assessed by the presentation of the TOEFL results:

- 100 for the internet version (iBT) of the test (with 25 for each section);

- 600 for the paper version (PBT) of the test (with 60 for each section and 5 for the Test of Written English).

If the applicant is unable to present the results of these tests, the level of English may be established differently, subject to an interview by videoconference with the head of the LL.M., if necessary.


Organisation de la formation

Organisation of the LL.M.

The programme will be carried out over one year from September to June, for a total of 312 study hours. It will take place in Paris, in Saint-Germain des Prés (Institute of Comparative Law).


Content of the LL.M.

Fall Semester

Fundamental Course

  • International Arbitration I

Specialization Courses & Case studies

  • Energy Disputes
  • Construction and Engineering Disputes
  • Financial Disputes
  • Mining Disputes
  • Evidence in Arbitration Proceedings
  • Complex Arbitration Proceedings

Optional courses (choice of 2 courses out of 3)

  • International Commercial Litigation
  • International Arbitration Agreement - Comparative Approach
  • Negotiation, Mediation and International Settlement Agreements


  • Provisional and Protective Measures
  • Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings
  • Drafting skills and written advocacy
  • Assessing Damages in International Arbitration
  • Oral Advocacy
  • ICC Arbitration
  • French as a Foreign Language (optional)

Spring Semester

Fundamental Course

  • International Arbitration II

Specialization Courses & Case studies

  • M&A Disputes
  • Company Law disputes
  • Energy Disputes II
  • Competition Disputes
  • Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Third Party Funding

Optional courses (choice of 2 courses out of 3)

  • Protection of Foreign Investments
  • Law of International Contracts & Contract Law in International Arbitration
  • Enforcement of International Awards – Comparative Approach


  • Experts and Witnesses – Examination and Cross-Examination
  • Main Arbitration Centers & Arbitration Rules
  • Expedited procedures
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Arbitration Arena
  • Research Project

More information

Application deadline
December 1st, 2023-May 30th, 2024

Academic Year
October 2024- June 2025

Cost of training
€ 20,000


Professor of Law, Paris-Panthéon-Assas University

Sabrina Marie

+33 (0)1 44 39 86 09

Recruitment team

@ Recruitment team
+33(0)1 44 41 58 83


“I experienced a transformative journey at University Paris-Panthéon-Assas, studying Interna-tional Arbitration. I engaged with top professors, gained hands-on skills, and connected with a di-verse, global community. This programme is the launchpad to a thriving career in the dynamic field of International Arbitration.”

Georgios RALLIS (LL.M. AWArDS, 2022)

“It was an honour and a pleasure to be part of this LL.M. programme (Assas World Arbitration and Dispute Settlement) held at Paris-Panthéon-Assas University. I would like to thank Mr. Malik Laazouzi for providing us with a very enriching program. I would also like to express gratitude to all our professors for broadening our knowledge of international arbitration. I am very grateful for the journey and excited for what’s to come.”

  Nilsu Narinç (LL.M. AWArDS 2023)

“The LL.M. AWArDS gives you a unique insight into International Arbitration, as well as invaluable tools for your professional life. You learn from world-class professors, seasoned practitioners and also from your fellow students. Diversity enriches the LLM, given that the students come from different countries, professional backgrounds and legal traditions. Finally, you become part of the arbitration community in Paris, which is not only an extremely beautiful city, but is also one of the preferred seats for arbitration in the world.”

Foto MPD.jpg  Marco Portillo (LL.M. AWArDS 2023)

Duration of study : 312 study hours / 312 heures
Degree awarded : University Degree: Postgraduate
Terms of education : Continuing education
Brochure : Download


The LL.M. AWArDS combines the excellence of academics and practitioners in the field of international and investment arbitration (lawyers, counsels, arbitrators, quantum experts, managers of third-party funders, artificial intelligence researchers, etc.).

Courses are delivered in the heart of Paris (at the Institut de droit comparé and at prominent law firms).

The program covers both international arbitration and investment arbitration. It combines the French perspective with a comparative approach. It also deepens other core aspects of dispute resolution mechanisms: mediation, negotiation, settlement agreements, international business litigation, etc.


Core objectives:

  • To master the fundamental elements of both international arbitration and investment arbitration.
  • To comprehend the relationship between arbitral proceedings and state courts.
  • To broaden the understanding of international arbitration from a comparative perspective.
  • To acquire the indispensable knowledge from international arbitration and litigation practitioners (drafting clauses, briefs, pleadings, evidence, examinations and cross-examinations, establishing the quantum of damages, etc.)
  • To understand the functioning and distinctive features of the main arbitration centres and their rules.

The LL.M. program is offered in Paris, one of the most prominent international arbitration venues, internationally recognized as such.

The curriculum achieves the proper balance between an academic approach and a more empirical and practical approach to confront students, as prospective arbitration practitioners, with the complex realities of this multifaceted field of practice.

Input Level : Bac +4

Expected number of students

The training targets to enroll between 20 and 30 students. The objective of this training is to welcome non-French-speaking foreign students to Paris-Panthéon-Assas University as part of a specialized training.

LLM AWArDS' candidates come from China, Brazil, Georgia, Germany, Greece, the Philippines, Turkey, as well as from three US partner law schools (Duke Univ., Georges Washington Univ., University of Virginia).

Access conditions

The selected students will be:

  • holders of an English-language training provided by a foreign university at a level equivalent to Master 2 (fifth year). For example, without exhaustiveness, in business law, contract law or civil business law, private international law or international trade law) and wishing to further develop their grasp of the law of international arbitration;
  • United States’ students who are enrolled in or have completed 2nd or 3rd year of legal training (JD);
  • practitioners (lawyers, in house counsels, etc.), with at least two years' experience, wishing to acquire new skills outside their current field of activity or wishing to further their training in their current field of business.

The selection will be made on the basis of an application file, if necessary, after an interview (including by videoconference).

The level of English of applicants, whose mother tongue is not English, will be assessed by the presentation of the TOEFL results:

- 100 for the internet version (iBT) of the test (with 25 for each section);

- 600 for the paper version (PBT) of the test (with 60 for each section and 5 for the Test of Written English).

If the applicant is unable to present the results of these tests, the level of English may be established differently, subject to an interview by videoconference with the head of the LL.M., if necessary.


Organisation of studies

Organisation of the LL.M.

The programme will be carried out over one year from September to June, for a total of 312 study hours. It will take place in Paris, in Saint-Germain des Prés (Institute of Comparative Law).


Content of the LL.M.

Fall Semester

Fundamental Course

  • International Arbitration I

Specialization Courses & Case studies

  • Energy Disputes
  • Construction and Engineering Disputes
  • Financial Disputes
  • Mining Disputes
  • Evidence in Arbitration Proceedings
  • Complex Arbitration Proceedings

Optional courses (choice of 2 courses out of 3)

  • International Commercial Litigation
  • International Arbitration Agreement - Comparative Approach
  • Negotiation, Mediation and International Settlement Agreements


  • Provisional and Protective Measures
  • Conduct of Arbitral Proceedings
  • Drafting skills and written advocacy
  • Assessing Damages in International Arbitration
  • Oral Advocacy
  • ICC Arbitration
  • French as a Foreign Language (optional)

Spring Semester

Fundamental Course

  • International Arbitration II

Specialization Courses & Case studies

  • M&A Disputes
  • Company Law disputes
  • Energy Disputes II
  • Competition Disputes
  • Intellectual Property Disputes
  • Third Party Funding

Optional courses (choice of 2 courses out of 3)

  • Protection of Foreign Investments
  • Law of International Contracts & Contract Law in International Arbitration
  • Enforcement of International Awards – Comparative Approach


  • Experts and Witnesses – Examination and Cross-Examination
  • Main Arbitration Centers & Arbitration Rules
  • Expedited procedures
  • Artificial Intelligence in the Arbitration Arena
  • Research Project

Knowledge check

Knowledge assessment and graduation

Article 1: Fundamental Courses, Optional Courses, Specialization Courses and Worshops are subject to an assessment. This assessment is part of the exams organised at the end of each semester and covering the courses given during that semester.

The exams are conducted in English.

All subjects are marked on 20 points. The fundamental courses (Fundamental Courses) have a coefficient of 2. Optional courses and Specialization Courses have a coefficient of 1 and workshops have a coefficient of 0.5.

Fundamental and optional courses are subject to a written exam in each subject.

Specialization Courses are subject to an oral examination or a continuous check mark. The form of the rating chosen is proposed by the teacher(s) of the specialisation course before the beginning of the semester and validated by the person in charge of training. When the oral exam is selected, it can be organized in common, the student draws a subject at random relating to the subjects of specialization of the semester. If a common oral examination is organised for several specialisation courses, the mark obtained is awarded to all the specialisation courses in the semester covered by the common oral examination.

The workshops give rise to one examination per semester. This examination covers one of the subjects of the semester, drawn by lot. The score obtained is assigned to all worshops in the semester in question.

The rating of the Research Project is associated with a coefficient of 4.

Article 2: A mark of 10/20 is required to obtain the LL.M. Assas World Arbitration and Disputes Settlement.

The diploma includes the following information, depending on the average obtained:

  • from 10, passable
  • from 13, quite well,
  • from 15, well,
  • from 17, very good.