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Fundamental Problems of Insolvency Law: A Comparative Study of French-Saudi Law

Doctor :Salman AL SAUD
Thesis date :13 October 2014
Hours :16h
Discipline :Law
Add to calendar 10/13/2014 16:00 10/13/2014 19:00 Europe/Paris Fundamental Problems of Insolvency Law: A Comparative Study of French-Saudi Law At a general level, French law and Saudi law provide similar solutions to companies facing financial difficulties: they both provide for the possibility of a non-contentious treatment of the difficulties through an agreement between the debtor and its creditors; if this process fails, an insolvency... false MM/DD/YYYY
Jury :

Georges KAIRALLAH - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Philippe DELEBECQUE - Professor (université Paris 1)

François AMELI - Associate Professor (HDR Paris 1)

Jacques FOYER - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

At a general level, French law and Saudi law provide similar solutions to companies facing financial difficulties: they both provide for the possibility of a non-contentious treatment of the difficulties through an agreement between the debtor and its creditors; if this process fails, an insolvency procedure will be initiated. However, the philosophy of the two systems is far from being the same: the main concern of French law is to achieve save the company, that it considers being creative of wealth and jobs, whereas Saudi law has essentially the concern of securing the creditors' rights. To achieve its objectives, French law has been very active in this area, while the Saudi law remains in its Regulation of 2 June 1931 on bankruptcy and its decree on preventive conciliation of bankruptcy dated 24 January 1996. Where the French insolvency system is complex, the Saudi one is simple. The analysis of the basic issues in this area leads to wonder whether a third route could be considered.