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Accueil - Search - Brazilian diplomacy for human rights within the United Nations

Brazilian diplomacy for human rights within the United Nations

Thesis date :31 January 2015
Hours :14h30
Discipline :Law
Add to calendar 01/31/2015 14:30 01/31/2015 17:30 Europe/Paris Brazilian diplomacy for human rights within the United Nations The present work is devoted to the legal-evolutionary study of the structure and functioning of the international system for the protection and promotion of human rights in their contemporary setting. Using the example of the Brazilian State, the research consists of two parts (national and interna... false MM/DD/YYYY
Jury :

Emmanuel DECAUX - Professor (université Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas)

Geneviève BURDEAU - Professor (université Paris 1)

Kathia MARTIN-CHENUT - Engineer at CNRS of Strasbourg

Christian LEQUESNE - Director of the CERI - Sciences Po

Paulo Sergio PINHEIRO - Professor (Brown university -Washington)

The present work is devoted to the legal-evolutionary study of the structure and functioning of the international system for the protection and promotion of human rights in their contemporary setting. Using the example of the Brazilian State, the research consists of two parts (national and international sphere) and four movements (the historical socio-legal formation of the Brazilian State on the construction of a foreign policy;  the foreign policy decision-making process on human rights in Brazil under the light of the Constitution of 1988; Brazil's performance as a member state of conventional and extra-conventional human rights bodies and mechanisms of the UN, and the admissibility and absorption of international unilateral acts relating to human rights by the Brazilian state), in order to draw out a constructive linearity in the multilateral diplomacy of human rights within the United Nations, and, based on the Brazilian case, to identify probable universal characteristics of the system. The study is thus concerned with subjective and objective elements in the positive and relative construction of international human rights law, and more specifically with the analysis of the United Nations' unilateral acts on human rights. Thus, with the current international order as a parameter, this thesis aims to point to possibilities of optimization of the UN interstate system for the promotion and protection of human rights, in a global context of cultural and socio-governmental diversity, diplomatic conservatism and interstate connivance.