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Accueil - Looking for an internship or a job? Try réseau pro

Looking for an internship or a job? Try réseau pro

Looking for an internship or a job? Try réseau pro
Réseau pro
Réseau Pro is a secure platform within your digital workspace designed to help you find employment

Are you a student or graduate at Paris-Panthéon-Assas University looking for an internship, work-study placement, junior position, or a student job? 

Paris-Panthéon-Assas University provides you with Réseau Pro, a platform with numerous job offers posted by companies as well as advice on writing your CV and cover letter, including recommendations on how to prepare for an interview.

The Réseau Pro platform is accessible from your digital workspace, using your username (your university email address) and password.

You will find offers from Law firms, companies, and government departments, such as EY, Bersay, Rothshild, Aquila Avocats, Cabinet Lavoix, Ashurst, LPA CGR Avocats, Accenture, Sanofi, BNP, TotalÉnergies, the Ministère des Armées (Ministry of the Armed Forces), the Ministère de l’Intérieur (Home Office) the Direction Générale des Finances Publiques (General Directorate of Public Finance). More than 15,000 companies are on Réseau Pro.